Wagner & Walter GmbH
Kurze Birken 15
14532 Stahnsdorf
Tel.: +49 (0)151 2752776
Tel.. +49 (0)3329 6923434
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer/Sales tax identification number: DE 266144012
Handelsregisternummer/Commercial register number: HRB 22468 P
Managing Director: Till Wagner
Responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV: Till Wagner.
Technical realisation: Christian Kreth
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Wagner & Walter have compiled the contents of this website with the greatest care. The data are for general information purposes and are not binding.
Wagner & Walter assume no liability for the completeness, correctness and topicality of the information provided or for its use. In particular, the contents do not constitute advice or other recommendations.
Since we have no influence on the contents of externally linked pages, we expressly distance ourselves from these contents, regardless of whether the link is on our website or in a file offered for download. We exclude any responsibility for the contents there as well as the liability for the use of the information found there and the observance of data protection.
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The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies. Place of jurisdiction and performance is Potsdam.